Demonstration Beamer/Reveal

Igor M. Coelho

April 26, 2020

Part 5: Quiz

Test your skills

We can use Pandoc to build an interactive quiz. The “interactive” part will work only on revealjs, not on beamer PDF.

Try a little bit to verify your knowledge on Pandoc :)

Test your skills (Q1)

Q1. What are the pandoc elements for checkboxes?

  • fenced_divs
  • check_list
  • task_lists
  • code_chunks

Test your skills (Q2)

Q2. On slide-level number 2, what are # and ##?

  • frame, box
  • section, subsection
  • subsection, frame
  • section, frame


Try to create your own

Feel free to create more questions and answers.

Learning more

Please contribute with us if you find more nice things!