Demonstration Beamer/Reveal

Igor M. Coelho

April 23, 2020

Part 2: Plots

Creating Interactive Plots

One powerful approach on iLectures on Pandoc is to create plots and graphs that are interactive. If we also want to be able to have a PDF-based version, the best library available seems to be plotly.

We focus on two implementations of plotly:

We will need a pandoc filter for plots:

We also provide a filter to switch between both versions:

Install Pandoc Plots

To install filter pandoc-plot, you will need Anaconda3 for many data science dependencies.

For Windows and Mac, you can find the plugin on conda-forge. For Linux, it’s not available unfortunately. But you can directly download from github (or from this project) and put on your project folder.

Install plotly deps: conda install -c plotly plotly-orca

Remember to do conda activate, otherwise you may still get errors like: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'.

Options on Pandoc Plots

This amazing plugin allows several graphs (only plotly with interactive counterpart!):

  • plotly_python : plots using the plotly Python library
  • plotly_r : plots using the plotly R library
  • matplotlib: plots using the matplotlib Python library
  • matlabplot: plots using MATLAB
  • mathplot : plots using Mathematica
  • octaveplot: plots using GNU Octave
  • ggplot2: plots using ggplot2
  • gnuplot: plots using gnuplot
  • and more…

You can get this information via pandoc-plot --toolkits.

Practical Examples

We consider Atom editor with markdown-preview-enhanced, which allows inline script execution (“Code Chunks”). Too bad that its syntax is not equivalent to pandoc-plot, so we will need to comment the visual part (during development) for it to “disappear” on generated beamer/revealjs.

For the Atom plugin: ```python {cmd=true}``` and specially ```python {cmd=true hide=true output="markdown"}```

For the pandoc-plot and beamer: ```{.plotly_python caption="Figure caption"}```

For the JS and revealjs: an html <script> ... </script>.

Comment Switches

We recommend three switches:

  • <!-- BEGIN COMMENT -->: for only visual markdown plugin features
  • <!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO html -->: for only beamer stuff
  • <!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO beamer -->: for only revealjs stuff

On Atom and markdown-preview-enhanced, use shift+<enter> or ctrl+shift+<enter> to execute Code Chunks.

Columns Example

Columns Part 1/3 (a)

Only visible in Atom. See: ./figs/

\```python {cmd=true output="markdown"}
from figs.fig_plotly_canada import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_canada.png')
<!-- @import "figs/fig_plotly_canada.png" -->

Columns Part 1/3 (b)

Code Chunk executing on Atom

Columns Part 2/3

This is a Plotly figure
<!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO html -->
\`\`\`{.plotly_python caption="This is a Plotly figure"}
from figs.fig_plotly_canada import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_canada.png')
<!-- END COMMENT TO html -->

Columns Part 3/3

<!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO beamer -->
<div id='tester2'></div> <script type="module">
import {draw_fig} from './figs/fig_plotly_canada.js';
draw_fig( document.getElementById('tester2') );
<!-- END COMMENT TO beamer -->

Line Example

Line Part 1/3 (a)

Only visible in Atom. See: ./figs/

\```python {cmd=true hide=true output="markdown"}
from figs.fig_plotly_line1 import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_line1.png')
<!-- @import "figs/fig_plotly_line1.png" -->
<!-- END COMMENT -->

Line Part 2/3 (a)

This is a Plotly figure
\```{.plotly_python caption="This is a Plotly figure"}
from figs.fig_plotly_line1 import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_line1.png')

Line Part 2/3 (b)

This will not appear on revealjs, only beamer.

<!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO revealjs -->
\```{.plotly_python caption="This is a Plotly figure"}
from figs.fig_plotly_line1 import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_line1.png')
<!-- END COMMENT TO revealjs -->

See: ./figs/fig_plotly_line1.png.

Line Part 3/3

See: ./figs/fig_plotly_line1.js.

<!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO beamer -->
<div id='tester3'></div> <script type="module">
import {draw_fig} from './figs/fig_plotly_line1.js';
draw_fig( document.getElementById('tester3') );
<!-- END COMMENT TO beamer -->

More Columns Example

More Columns Part 1/3

Figure only appears on Atom, after pressing shift+<enter>. See: ./figs/

\```python {cmd=true hide=true output="markdown"}
from figs.fig_plotly_bar1 import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_bar1.png')
<!-- @import "figs/fig_plotly_bar1.png" -->
<!-- END COMMENT -->

More Columns Part 2/3 (a)

This is a Plotly figure


\```{.plotly_python caption="This is a Plotly figure"}
from figs.fig_plotly_bar1 import draw_fig
fig = draw_fig('figs/fig_plotly_bar1.png')

More Columns Part 2/3 (b)

See file figs/

import as px
import plotly as plotly
import plotly.graph_objects as go

def draw_fig(filename):
    animals=['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys']
    fig = go.Figure([go.Bar(x=animals, y=[20, 14, 23])])
    fig.update_layout( margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=50, b=0) )
    return fig

More Columns Part 3/3 (a)

This will not appear on beamer, only on revealjs. See: ./figs/fig_plotly_bar1.js.

More Columns Part 3/3 (b)

<!-- BEGIN COMMENT TO beamer -->
<div id='tester4'></div>
<script type="module">
import {draw_fig} from './figs/fig_plotly_bar1.js';
draw_fig( document.getElementById('tester4') );
<!-- END COMMENT TO beamer -->

More Columns Part 3/3 (c)

See ./figs/fig_plotly_bar1.js.

export function draw_fig(field) {
  Plotly.newPlot(field, [{
      x: ['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys'],
      y: [20, 14, 23],
      type: 'bar'


Try more formats

Feel free to try other plot formats and technologies.

Learning more

Please contribute with us if you find more nice things!