Demonstration Beamer/Reveal

Igor M. Coelho

April 23, 2020

Part 0: setup

Get Pandoc

This tutorial intends to provide interactive slides for lectures of 21st century.

We believe Pandoc is an amazing technology for it! Honestly, I love LaTeX\text{\LaTeX} and beamer, but this limits outputs to PDF. Also, the ability to just write everything in markdown gets more and more attractive. Pandoc is able to automatically generate beamer code, and also to build nice interactive slides, such as reveal.js.

First of all, install Pandoc:

We focus on two formats: beamer and revealjs.

Editor Installation

One can use Atom, VSCode, Typora or any other markdown editors.

We use Atom with plugin markdown-preview-enhanced (but same plugin exists for VSCode). The reason is that it supports more flavors of markdown, which approximates to pandoc dialect (although not perfect!).

Atom Configuration

If using Atom, do the following plugin configurations Ctrl + ,:

  • Math Rendering Option-> MathJax
  • Pandoc Options Path -> /usr/bin/pandoc
  • Pandoc Commandline Arguments -> --standalone, --filter=pandoc-katex, --css=katex.min.css

This should allow LaTeX\text{\LaTeX} equations as i=0ni\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sqrt{i}, which is a must!

Testing Basic Configuration

Please enter this directory (we are assuming linux now). We always assume two outputs will be generated: beamer (PDF) and reveal.js (JS).

The reason is that we still want to have a “stable” standalone (printable) version, while generating another equivalent interactive version.

You will need to setup a local browser, “thanks” to browser CORS (absolutely no way around them!): python3 -m http.server 8081

After that, you can type make.

Standalone Preference

Note that we are interested in “standalone” and “self-contained” versions, at all costs (pandoc flags --standalone and --self-contained). Internet may not be as widely available (during teaching, for example). There may be however some limitations, for specific scenarios, where Internet will always be required.

We require downloading KaTeX css, its fonts, and also reveal.js.

Beamer and Reveal Compatibility

To improve compatibility between beamer and reveal, we provide beamer-reveal.css file.

This setups fonts to be similar in both platforms, but this will certainly change when templates and other stuff change. Feel free to adjust it to your needs (adjust it to have a beautiful model!).

Some Prints: Atom

This is how Atom editor looks like:

Atom preview

Some Prints: VSCode

This is how VSCode editor looks like:

VSCode preview

Some Prints: Reveal.js

This is how Reveal.js looks like (over http://localhost:8081):

Reveal.js preview

Some Prints: Beamer

This is how Beamer PDF looks like:

Beamer preview

Have Fun

If you have time, read its MANUAL (a litle big, since it covers all possible conversion formats):